Tuesday 3 November 2015


I have recently experimented with Mindomo. This software allows you to create mind and concept maps. There are many outlines that are already prepared and ready for use. However, you also have the ability to customize the map freely. Another cool option on Mindomo is the ability to make presentations from the maps that you have created. Once you create a mind map, you can click on the present button:
You are able to crop what you want on each slide of the presentation. This allows you to focus on some aspects while having the rest of the map hidden. I really liked this feature as it provides for visual learning. I also think that it is a great way to organize your thoughts. The students will be interested to see concepts laid out in a different manner.
Here is an example of a concept map that I made when I was experimenting with Mindomo:


Today I will be discussing Skype & how it can be used within the education system. Skype is a program that allows people to connect & communicate through chat, video, & audio functions. It is mostly used for communication when distance between people does not allow for natural communication. Here is a video that explains some uses for Skype as well as some basic information & settings information:
Skype can be used in the education system in a multitude of ways:
  • Coworkers can communicate ideas without meeting up
  • Students can learn about culture by skyping with classes & people from other areas
  • Guest speakers or teachers can come into the classroom through skype
  • Students can Skype with students that speak a different language & try to use resources to communicate
  • Skype can be used as a new technologically advanced pen pal system for each student
  • MysterySkype: This is when classrooms Skype each other from around the world but are not given the other class' location. The students need to come up with questions to find out where the other class is located. I personally love this last idea & will make sure to implement it in the future


What is Padlet & Padlet Mini? Padlet is an online bulletin board/wall that can be used in a number of ways. Those who have access (you would be able to choose who has access) are able to view and add to the content on Padlet. The best part is that it is free! This makes me especially happy :) Padlet Mini is an application that allows you to add to your Padlet much easier. It installs a button on your browser so when you find something interesting, you simply hit the button and it adds the webpage to your Padlet! Easy, huh? & very useful! These tools would be extremely useful in the classroom and education, in general. I have been experimenting with Padlet & Padlet Mini recently & have made a wall for myself to view & add to. I have made it so others are able to view my wall & ideas if they have the link (which I have included below).  This wall includes links to websites as well as ideas that I have that I would like to use in future classrooms. Please click & check it out:
What are some ways to use Padlet in the classroom?
  • Make a noticeboard for the students to keep them updated & on task
  • Allow students to provide comments, questions, & concerns on specific lessons or concepts that are taught in class
  • You can bookmark certain sites like what I have done on my experimental Padlet
  • Watch & share videos on Padlet. Kids can access all of the classroom's videos on one page - Easy!
  • Teachers could collaborate with one another to create lesson plans or to share ideas


Hello everyone.
Please visit my new twitter account where I will be microblogging my teaching journey! I have included a link and some of my twitter feed in the right sidebar of this blog; however, you can also reach it here: Miss Dekker's Twitter. I chose to get a twitter to stay connected with other educators as well as share and gain many classroom resources that I have used or will be using in the future. Twitter allows me to stay up to date on events and trends and provides a creative outlet for me - it allows me to creatively express myself while going about my days. I also think that twitter allows for many educational uses in the classroom:

  • It can help remind students about homework and when it is due
  • It is an opportunity to involve and invite parents into the classroom
  • Show students' work and experiences in the classroom, field trips, etc.
  • Twitter can be easily paired up with a class blog (like I did here)
  • Twitter can connect classrooms - Teachers and students from around the world can collaborate using twitter
  • Supplementary materials can be posted on twitter - Articles, news stories, opinions, etc. can be added that are relevant to class
  • Facilitate discussions - Students can tweet responses to a discussion
  • Update students and parents on any last minute changes in the classroom
  • & so many more!