Tuesday 22 September 2015

Introduction to Digital Media in the Classroom

I have decided to take a course in university that discusses how and why technology should be incorporated into elementary classrooms. However, before we discuss specific resources that could be useful - we first need to discuss the effect this will have on the students and how we can ensure that their learning is enhanced to the fullest.

In class we discussed that technology should not be used to merely replace traditional educational methods and digitize our current education system; instead, we need to re-imagine instruction using the technological resources that are available to us. We need to apply technology in a way that makes a difference in the education system and allows for learning to adapt to many different environments. Technology can re-imagine instruction by adjusting the learning pace, giving students choice on how they learn, allowing more access to education, etc. All educators need is a different perspective to bring this into action.

Students learn many different ways; connectivism is a learning theory where individuals are able to learn using technology and apply this understanding to previous knowledge. Technology has various forms of information which can allow for a social process of learning. Individuals are able to build and expand on each other's ideas using blogs, websites, wikis, etc. It is more beneficial to individuals when material is presented in more than one format - this is why technology & previous knowledge allow for enhanced learning. Students have already been using this strategy to further their learning. We need to incorporate it at school so that educational concepts can be further and easier understand.

Lastly, we need to educate students on their digital footprint and how it should work positively in their manner. Students need to know that nothing can be deleted once it has been posted on the internet. There is nothing wrong with having Facebook or Twitter accounts, but the way they are used can impact an individual's life forever. I wonder what would happen if we allowed students and youth to discover the digital world without any guidance. Would they be safe? Would they make bad choices regarding their digital footprint? Will this hurt them in the future?

Unfortunately, students and youth are already exploring the digital world alone. For the most part, they do okay. But it would benefit more if parents, teachers, etc. guided them through this process and taught them how to use resources safely and in a mature manner. We need to find ways to teach these new concepts in order to further academic learning; we also need to model how a digital footprint can be developed in a positive and professional manner. This will allow students to make good choices when using digital tools and developing a digital footprint that they can be proud of. So how do we do this? We experiment. Just like what I do with this blog! So please stick with me as I discover and test how to incorporate technology in the classroom in beneficial ways.
Here is a Wordle I made about technology and digital media in the classroom and how it would affect our students: