Tuesday 3 November 2015


I have recently experimented with Mindomo. This software allows you to create mind and concept maps. There are many outlines that are already prepared and ready for use. However, you also have the ability to customize the map freely. Another cool option on Mindomo is the ability to make presentations from the maps that you have created. Once you create a mind map, you can click on the present button:
You are able to crop what you want on each slide of the presentation. This allows you to focus on some aspects while having the rest of the map hidden. I really liked this feature as it provides for visual learning. I also think that it is a great way to organize your thoughts. The students will be interested to see concepts laid out in a different manner.
Here is an example of a concept map that I made when I was experimenting with Mindomo:


Today I will be discussing Skype & how it can be used within the education system. Skype is a program that allows people to connect & communicate through chat, video, & audio functions. It is mostly used for communication when distance between people does not allow for natural communication. Here is a video that explains some uses for Skype as well as some basic information & settings information:
Skype can be used in the education system in a multitude of ways:
  • Coworkers can communicate ideas without meeting up
  • Students can learn about culture by skyping with classes & people from other areas
  • Guest speakers or teachers can come into the classroom through skype
  • Students can Skype with students that speak a different language & try to use resources to communicate
  • Skype can be used as a new technologically advanced pen pal system for each student
  • MysterySkype: This is when classrooms Skype each other from around the world but are not given the other class' location. The students need to come up with questions to find out where the other class is located. I personally love this last idea & will make sure to implement it in the future


What is Padlet & Padlet Mini? Padlet is an online bulletin board/wall that can be used in a number of ways. Those who have access (you would be able to choose who has access) are able to view and add to the content on Padlet. The best part is that it is free! This makes me especially happy :) Padlet Mini is an application that allows you to add to your Padlet much easier. It installs a button on your browser so when you find something interesting, you simply hit the button and it adds the webpage to your Padlet! Easy, huh? & very useful! These tools would be extremely useful in the classroom and education, in general. I have been experimenting with Padlet & Padlet Mini recently & have made a wall for myself to view & add to. I have made it so others are able to view my wall & ideas if they have the link (which I have included below).  This wall includes links to websites as well as ideas that I have that I would like to use in future classrooms. Please click & check it out:
What are some ways to use Padlet in the classroom?
  • Make a noticeboard for the students to keep them updated & on task
  • Allow students to provide comments, questions, & concerns on specific lessons or concepts that are taught in class
  • You can bookmark certain sites like what I have done on my experimental Padlet
  • Watch & share videos on Padlet. Kids can access all of the classroom's videos on one page - Easy!
  • Teachers could collaborate with one another to create lesson plans or to share ideas


Hello everyone.
Please visit my new twitter account where I will be microblogging my teaching journey! I have included a link and some of my twitter feed in the right sidebar of this blog; however, you can also reach it here: Miss Dekker's Twitter. I chose to get a twitter to stay connected with other educators as well as share and gain many classroom resources that I have used or will be using in the future. Twitter allows me to stay up to date on events and trends and provides a creative outlet for me - it allows me to creatively express myself while going about my days. I also think that twitter allows for many educational uses in the classroom:

  • It can help remind students about homework and when it is due
  • It is an opportunity to involve and invite parents into the classroom
  • Show students' work and experiences in the classroom, field trips, etc.
  • Twitter can be easily paired up with a class blog (like I did here)
  • Twitter can connect classrooms - Teachers and students from around the world can collaborate using twitter
  • Supplementary materials can be posted on twitter - Articles, news stories, opinions, etc. can be added that are relevant to class
  • Facilitate discussions - Students can tweet responses to a discussion
  • Update students and parents on any last minute changes in the classroom
  • & so many more!

Sunday 18 October 2015

All About Advertising

This week in one of our university classes we explored media advertisements and how to analyze them. There are many ways to analyze advertisements - many were outlined in class with some examples being…
  • The 5P’s of advertising by Frank Baker
    • Product, purchaser, pitch, placement, presentation
  • The Language of Persuasion
    • Techniques used to persuade people are ranked and categorized in levels
      • Basic: Easily identified
      • Intermediate: Needs a more critical stance
      • Advanced: Requires judgement
  • Weasel words
    • Quality, ideal, superior, enriched, perfect, bargain, performance, special, etc.
  • ‘Authorship, Purpose, Message, Meaning, Representation, Reality’ model adapted by Renee Hobbs
This week I was able to complete two tasks: Create an infographic and test my Digital Learning Horoscope. The results are posted below. My infographic was completed on easel.ly however infogr.am is also a nice site to use. The Digital Learning Horoscope can be completed here.

Now that I understand how to properly analyze and understand media advertisements, I will continue practising these methods to deconstruct complex ads. Why? Because I know that advertising uses many tactics to draw people in and persuade us to believe everything they say. It is important to know that ads aren’t 100% truthful and that they can have hidden motives. I believe that creating the infographic was important for me to do so I could understand how easy it is to visually represent information - anyone can do it. It was also important for me to take the digital test because it allows me to see what media personality I have, how I will approach technology in the classroom, and what areas I need to work on.


Now that I have found this new information, I can’t wait to share it and experiment with my future students. I would like to share this knowledge so that students will be able to critically analyze media ads and discover the truth for themselves. This is a skill that they can take anywhere in the future and keep forever. This is also a very underrated skill that many teachers will not be bringing into the classroom. However, it is very important that we do; students see thousands of ads every week and are susceptible to their tactics and effects (without the proper knowledge). It is up to us to teach students how to challenge these ads and come to their own conclusions. Creating the infographic was extremely fun - I want to show my students how easy it is to portray information in visual format. On the other hand, the Digital Learning Horoscope showed me that I have a lot to offer future students and that I can use my knowledge of technology to not only engage students, but teach them of the risks and the lies that may be out there if we don’t always have a critical eye.

Tuesday 6 October 2015


Here is a video that I made on Animoto. I love using Animoto and will definitely incorporate this tool in my future classrooms and allow the students to experiment.

  • My video is about a painting party where each person created a quarter of a canvas to create different pieces of art
  • I chose to sequence the pictures in the order that we painted and created the artwork. This is so you can see the development and growth of each painting

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Introduction to Digital Media in the Classroom

I have decided to take a course in university that discusses how and why technology should be incorporated into elementary classrooms. However, before we discuss specific resources that could be useful - we first need to discuss the effect this will have on the students and how we can ensure that their learning is enhanced to the fullest.

In class we discussed that technology should not be used to merely replace traditional educational methods and digitize our current education system; instead, we need to re-imagine instruction using the technological resources that are available to us. We need to apply technology in a way that makes a difference in the education system and allows for learning to adapt to many different environments. Technology can re-imagine instruction by adjusting the learning pace, giving students choice on how they learn, allowing more access to education, etc. All educators need is a different perspective to bring this into action.

Students learn many different ways; connectivism is a learning theory where individuals are able to learn using technology and apply this understanding to previous knowledge. Technology has various forms of information which can allow for a social process of learning. Individuals are able to build and expand on each other's ideas using blogs, websites, wikis, etc. It is more beneficial to individuals when material is presented in more than one format - this is why technology & previous knowledge allow for enhanced learning. Students have already been using this strategy to further their learning. We need to incorporate it at school so that educational concepts can be further and easier understand.

Lastly, we need to educate students on their digital footprint and how it should work positively in their manner. Students need to know that nothing can be deleted once it has been posted on the internet. There is nothing wrong with having Facebook or Twitter accounts, but the way they are used can impact an individual's life forever. I wonder what would happen if we allowed students and youth to discover the digital world without any guidance. Would they be safe? Would they make bad choices regarding their digital footprint? Will this hurt them in the future?

Unfortunately, students and youth are already exploring the digital world alone. For the most part, they do okay. But it would benefit more if parents, teachers, etc. guided them through this process and taught them how to use resources safely and in a mature manner. We need to find ways to teach these new concepts in order to further academic learning; we also need to model how a digital footprint can be developed in a positive and professional manner. This will allow students to make good choices when using digital tools and developing a digital footprint that they can be proud of. So how do we do this? We experiment. Just like what I do with this blog! So please stick with me as I discover and test how to incorporate technology in the classroom in beneficial ways.
Here is a Wordle I made about technology and digital media in the classroom and how it would affect our students: